Mean Green Travel Machine Ep. 2: Plastic Travels

I like to consider my lifestyle to be a rather sustainable one.  Yes, I get weird looks when I’m smearing coconut oil and arrowroot powder under my arms instead of using regular deodorant, but to me it’s worth it to save some plastic.  However, it seems like since I started traveling this year, my plastic-free... Continue Reading →

Mean Green Travel Machine Ep. 1: Hygiene

No matter what you do, traveling is not the most eco-friendly activity.  To be fair, it's difficult to do just about anything without having some sort of impact on the planet.  So what's a hippie to do?  The best she can. When I live on my own at home, I can take extra measures to... Continue Reading →

Zealandia, Orokonui, and the Ecosanctuary Concept

Alright everyone, strap on your seat-belts, we're taking a detour!  As an ecologist, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to discuss a conservation strategy that (to my knowledge) is unique to New Zealand: the "predator-free" ecosanctuary.  This past week, I visited Wellington's very own ecosanctuary, Zealandia and I was just blown away! Something that I... Continue Reading →

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